Name: Mathilda
Father’s name: Umba
Mother’s name: Mwika
Date and place of birth: Haut Katanga, 19 years old
Child’s name: Eben
Date and place of birth: Lubumbashi, 12.07.2017
Mathilda is the firstborn in a family of five children orphaned of both parents who were HIV positive. Mathilda, her little sister, and brothers were all taken in by their uncle when she was nine years old.
The uncle was a polygamous man, but instead of taking them to the first wife, Mathilda and her little sisters and brothers were taken to the third wife. Life was not easy because the uncle stopped visiting that house. Their stepmother asked why the husband told her that he was not coming to visit the house. The church had told him that Mathilda and her little siblings were sorcerers. The stepmother then threw the children out of her house.
As the eldest, Mathilda took her brothers and sister to find shelter in the market. They were on the street for six months when social affairs found them and placed them in different care homes. Mathilda was brought to the Kimbilio Transit House, where the Kimbilio team tried to find the uncle without success. She missed her brothers and sister so, after a while, Mathilda decided to run away and look for them. Instead, she found herself alone on the streets and eventually became pregnant. She continues to seek help from Kimbilio, and there is no man in her and her baby’s lives to help them.