

Name: Mathilda Father’s name: Umba Mother’s name: Mwika Date and place of birth: Haut Katanga, 19 years old Child’s name: Eben Date and place of birth: Lubumbashi, 12.07.2017 Mathilda is the firstborn in a family of five children orphaned of both parents who were HIV...


Name: Harmonie Father’s name: Ngandu Mother’s name: Ntumba Date and place of birth: 23 .04.1999 Haut Katanga, 19 years old Child’s name: Plamedi Date and place of birth: Lubumbashi, 06.05.2017 Harmonie is the third born of her eight siblings, and she is the only girl...


Name: Bambi Father’s name: Kasongo Mother’s name: Ntumba Date and place of birth: Haut Katanga, 17 years old Child’s name: Gradis Date and place of birth: Lubumbashi, 26.07.2016 Deborah Bambi was born into a polygamous home where her father had three wives. Her mother...


Name: Debora Father’s name: Longo Mother’s name: Kayumba Date and place of Birth: Manono, 16.05. 2002 Child’s name: Salomon Date and place of birth of the Child: Lubumbashi, 26.07.2017 Debora is the second eldest of 7, and she left her family home due to abuse and a...


Name: Faida Father’s name: ​Zavier Mother’s name: ​Riziki Date and place of birth: Kivu Province, 11.11.1999 Child’s name: Gloria Date and place of birth: Lubumbashi, 26.07.2016 Faida was born in Bukavu into a family of 5 children. She is the fourth child of 3 boys...


Name: Merveille Date and place of birth: 26.07.2001 in Bunia Father’s name: Mbuyi Mother’s name: Karaj Child’s name: Eric Merveille is the firstborn in her family of 3 children. Her father is a soldier. She joined the street kids in 2010 when her father returned from...