Making a powerful difference by empowering Congolese women.

Join Saidiana’s mission to generate sustainable long-lasting change through economic empowerment.

Lack of electricity is one of the most prominent issues the women we serve face.

We want to purchase them solar panels.

Join us to reach our $10,000 goal to deliver this vital renewable energy source. Click here to learn more.

Our Vision

A world in which Congolese women are empowered to overcome economic obstacles and build a better life.


Saidiana is a 501 (c)3 organization EIN# (20-5147038). You can make a tax-deductible contribution online.

Our Mission

To empower Congolese women to build better futures for themselves, their families, and their communities through micro-grants and skills training programs.

What is Saidiana?

Saidiana-pronounced sigh-dee-ana- means help one another in Kiswahili, the common language of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Saidiana is a 501(c)3 organization with a mission to elevate the long-term well-being of the women of Congo.

What we do

At Saidiana, we elevate the long-term economic well-being of Congolese women by helping them build thriving, sustainable businesses through micro-grants and skilled training programs. This allows these enterprising women - previously without the means to break the cycle of poverty - to provide the basic necessities for their children and enrich their own lives while benefitting their communities - now and into the future.

Our Mission

We Strive to empower bright, hardworking Congolese women in the city of Lubumbashi who are seeking to build better futures for themselves, their families, and their communities. We provide financial resources and skills training courses to help foster new small businesses - and strengthen existing ones - with the goal of creating sustainable, lasting change for the better.


Women involved


Startups funded


Family members impacted

Previous Successful Partnerships with Congolese Women

We are committed to improving the long-term economic well-being of Congolese women. Read one of our success stories below to learn more:

A group of thirty rural women who collectively own more than fifty acres of land were looking for ways to increase their yields and improve their laborious working conditions. They farm Cassava roots, soybeans, and various vegetables and nuts for domestic consumption and commercial purposes. Our $1,000 grant was used to purchase seeds, a plow, and other farm equipment to increase yields, productivity and overall revenue.

Farming Cooperative

Three women have come together to manually manufacture casseroles, a popular item for cooking on open fires. Saidiana started supporting this enterprise in 2017 through a grant to purchase the necessary raw materials. This thriving business supports a total of 42 family members.

Manufacturing Pots

Five women who previously participated in Saidiana’s Young Moms Hair School wanted to start a salon where the school’s graduates could work. To create this sustainable business and promise employment for future graduates, the women applied for a $4,200 microgrant to purchase hair chairs, dryers, washbasins, and a professional trainer for four months. With Saidiana’s financial support, they were able to establish this salon, delivering the promise of financial stability.

Salon Startup

A cooperative of 5 women who provide for 41 people had been preparing their dough manually and baking it in a wood stove. After securing a contract with a local mining company that required them to produce 1,000 loaves per day for the mine’s workers, the women applied for a Saidiana grant. To meet this new demand, they needed to purchase an electric oven and mixer. Our financial support allowed these women to expand their business and increase their income.

Bread Baking

Activity Gallery

See Saidiana women in action: